alix head

AP Studio Art - Drawing

7 - Ella Foskett.jpg

This year I have explored making statements through my art, particularly focusing on exposing and disowning misogyny. For example, through “Eve”, I attempt to reject the widely accepted tale of a woman who dooms all mankind by being easily manipulatable. In my piece “1974” I comment on how up until 1974 a woman couldn’t own a credit card separate from her husband. In this investigation, I have employed a lot of different mediums and materials, a range of watercolor, gauche, acrylics, pen, gold leaf, etc. My favorite part of creating pieces has always been in the details, playing with small marks and how they can add to the overall effect. In all my pieces I hope to reject a culture of oversexualizing women, displaying them in their most “vulnerable” state to give off a feeling of acceptance as well as rebellion.

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7 - Ella Foskett.jpg

Daniel Helmer


Lola Hockenberry