A Fall @ a Distance

In a normal school year at the end of a fall semester we would have a big final show of student artwork to celebrate everyones hard work. In these crazy times this is not posable this year. But that does not mean we can not still honor and revel in the amazing and hard work of the students of the drawing and painting classes at Tam High. These students have under adverse conditions shown amazing resilience and have continued to grow in their ability to express themselves through the visual arts. As their teacher I could not be prouder or more grateful they have been willing to share their struggles, triumphs and beautiful artwork with me. If you know these students congratulate them. They deserve it!

The work below is a collection of student selected art works by the 97 student artists of Mr. Gilmour’s AP Studio Art , Honors Drawing and Painting, Drawing and Painting 4, and Drawing and Painting 2.

I would also like to thank the parents of PATH (patrons of the arts at Tam high) and the TAM High Foundation for their never ending support of the student artists of Tam High School.

AP Studio Art

Honors & Draw/Paint 4

Draw/Paint 2


Pressing Issues