An unrelated... though a slightly related assembly of three of my favorites works I have created since November 2020. Two of which clearly depict my style or more so my favored stylistic choices. Self Portrait and Pinks I painted with white, crimson and cadmium orange oil paints on canvas, both while sitting in front of a full wall mirror while blasting Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam and Radiohead. That is my comfort zone. As for Severity I drew that with 6B graphite pencil on black paper and did all shading with a single lime green PrismaColor. I tend to hate to draw with pencil and I always try to push myself to do it more because I think I should like it, but as weeks have passed with this new challenge I've come to find that I like to draw what I like to draw and more simply put, I had been drawing the wrong things. Interestingly enough I tend to paint and draw the opposite of what I am feeling, not just with images but as well as use of color, structure, etc. One of the happiest periods of my life and I draw the most obscure, darkest, perplexing image I could, but I guess that's just how I work. I am glad to have found something that feels so natural and challenging with beautiful outcomes. In my senior year I have truly found my art and myself within my art and there are no words to even begin to describe how creating makes me feel and think.